
If you are interested in ecology, swamps are a very important piece of the puzzle.  While they are often dank, humid, and buggy places, they serve the purpose of both funneling water and allowing it to settle for a bit before moving onward.


This is important in  a system of nature.  In a system of government, it’s problematic.

We have an administration who has pledged to “drain the swamp”, picturing the establishment in Washington as stagnant, smelly and full of evil creatures.  Our president went to work, slashing left and right with his mighty pen, promoting the idea of less government by slashing spending on the parts of government that he considered to be …um…swampy.  Ironically, the Environmental Protection Agency was one of the first targets.


As for the swamp creatures, the administration viewed those who have had years of experience in working in the governmental system as somehow the problem.  Again, the president vowed to clean them out.  Those who knew how to make government provide services were deemed to be evil and to be exterminated.


How interesting that the swamp was resettled with individuals who are very adept at moving things along and filtering money.  As for draining the swamp, the president seemed to be very intent on adding mega predators to government agencies, who would, in effect, eat not only their young, but themselves as well.

devosrick perry



They also seem to have consorted with all sorts of evil types.

Vladimir Putin

How does this happen?

One of the denizens of the swamp are the mosquitoes, those buzzing infernal pests.  Our administration seems to be rife with them, several of whom are right outside of the president’s ear.  These mosquitoes are bound and determined to be the only bloodsuckers of note, all while identifying the enemy as the bloodsuckers of the people.


Washington, D. C. is built on swampland.  If you’ve ever been near the place in the summer, the humidity is almost unbearable most days.  While engineering has drained and controlled much of the actual swamp, the swamp of people has steadily grown.

Unlike what has been presented by this administration, there requires an abundant amount of people to make the wheels of government turn.  The more experienced they are, the smoother things could go.

What we have now is a bunch of rookie basketball players trying to play tennis.  Lack of knowledge and a wild desire to create chaos is driving this administration.

Funny thing about driving in a swamp…you need to have the right vehicle and a good driver.  Washington, D. C. at the moment, has neither.


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